The Multaka International Network is a network of six different project and is operating in Germany, England, Italy and Switzerland. The network was created in the June 2019, as all members met in Berlin, Germany.
The network’s members are Multaka Berlin, Multaka Oxford, AMIR Project in Florence, Multaka Bern and the Initiative: Lucky who speaks Arabic in Turin. In total, these projects are active in 33 Museums around Europe, of which: The Museums of Islamic Art and the Ancient near East Museum in Pergamon Museum, The German historical Museum in Berlin, Bern Historical Museum, The University Museum of Oxford, Museo Egizio di Torino, Museo Civico Archeologico e Area Archeologica/Fiesole, Museo Bandini/Fiesole, Museo e Giardino Primo Conti/Fiesole, Museo di Palazzo Vecchio, Firenze, Museo Novecento, Firenze, Museo degli Innocenti, Firenze, Museum of Modern Greek Culture, Epigraphic Museum, Ancient Agora of Athens, Archaeological site of Kerameikos. The total number of individuals, who were trained into Guides or cultural mediators involved in this network is over a hundred newcomers, who have different cultural and professional background.
The main objectives of the network is, as well as its member projects, to diversify the museums structures by including people with migration backgrounds, thus different perspectives and to provide a safe space to engage in intercultural dialogue between both newcomer community and local community while exploring art, history and even one’s own cultural heritage.
Our partners in the International Multaka Network:
AMIR / Accoglienza, Musei, Inclusione and Relazione (Reception, Museums, Inclusion and Understanding) is a joint project overseen by the Municipality of Fiesole, the Municipality of Florence, Associazione Mus.e, Istituto degli Innocenti, Fondazione Primo Conti and Stazione Utopia.
Launched in September 2018, this project has trained 40 foreigners from 20 different countries —some of whom are long-time residents, while others are refugees—to lead visits through some of Florence and Fiesole’s principal museums. The concept for AMIR derived from the desire to find a way for foreigners to be able to not only visit our museums, but also train them to lead guided tours to Italian, European and extra-Eu visitors. This opportunity essentially transforms them into active stakeholders in narrating our common cultural patrimony. In the summer of 2019, Amir | like travelling seeds, a special edition of the project, was launched. This tour, in collaboration with Boboli Gardens and the Botanical Garden in Florence, explores the botanical and cultural diversity that resulted in gardens as well as their impact on cultures, cultivations, arts, and cuisines.
Museo Civico Archeologico e Area Archeologica, Fiesole
Museo Bandini, Fiesole
Museo e Giardino Primo Conti, Fiesole
Museo di Palazzo Vecchio, Firenze
Museo Novecento, Firenze
Museo degli Innocenti, Firenze
Giardino di Boboli, Firenze
Orto botanico, Firenze
Collezione Fondazione CRF
Chiara Damiani – Stazione Utopia, Firenze
Facebook: @amirmuseums
Since November 2016, eleven women from Northern Africa took part to a training course consisting in 10 lessons at the Museum, both in classroom and in the galleries. They were taught about some aspects of the daily life in ancient Egypt. As a final work, they produced a nice booklet about the topics discussed, in Italian and Arabic. Thanks to this basic knowledge, they are able now to guide short thematic tours in the galleries. Some of them are currently active part of the Association ACME (Friend of the Museo Egizio) and they lead special tours in Arabic, Italian, French and English during special events. The same are also involved in the “Welcome Tours” offered to migrants and newcomers, in the framework of the European project “New Roots”.
Museo Egizio
MIC – Mondi in Città Onlus
Alessia Fassone – Curator
Museo Egizio
via Accademia delle Scienze, 6 – 10123 Torino
What stories are hidden behind the objects in the Bernisches Historisches Museum and how can we relate them to the present day? How can we look at familiar things with new eyes, or approach things that are “alien” to us? With questions like these people who arrived as forced migrants have been acting as guides through selected areas of the museum’s history, ethnography and archaeology sections since April 2019, raising with visitors such issues as culture, history, shared cultural heritage, migration and flight. The interactive visits take their cue from the personality of each Multaka guide, their place of origin and their personal associations with the items selected.
Bernisches Historisches Museum
Verein Multaka Bern
Aline Minder, Head of Education and Outreach
Facebook: @bernhistmus
Instagram: @bernhistmus
Multaka-Oxford is a programme delivered jointly by the History of Science Museum and the Pitt Rivers Museum. Starting in 2017, Multaka-Oxford creates cultural places where people can meet and share experiences, knowledge, heritage and skills together. The programme develops collaborative volunteering activities to enhance the understanding and use of museum collections, and to aid intercultural dialogue and two-way integration. The project has focused on two collections (Islamic astronomical instruments and textiles from the Arab World) as a platform to find personal connections between objects in the museums. Volunteers have been using collections to curate and share objects, stories and narratives from their cultural heritages. So far the vibrant programme has included: enhancement of object records on the museums’ databases, museum tours, a co-curated exhibition, a cross-sectoral networking day (bringing in professionals from the volunteering, refugee and heritage sectors), high profile public events, English language courses, performances, a fashion show and a blog which captures the team of staff and volunteers’ perspectives.
History of Science Museum
Pitt Rivers Museum
Nicola Bird – Project Manager for Multaka Oxford
“Multaka: Intercultural Tours in Athens” is a joint project implemented by the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, the Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Development and Destination Management Agency of the Municipality of Athens. The project is funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020 (75% EU funds, 25% national funds). The “Multaka: Intercultural Tours in Athens” is a pilot project which started in June 2022 and will end in June 2023.
Through “Multaka: Intercultural Tours in Athens”, migrants, refugees and persons with a migrant background are trained as “intercultural guides” in order to perform intercultural tours in four museums and archaeological places in Athens, in one of the following languages: Greek, Arabic, Farsi, English, French.
The scenarios of the tours are decided and planned by the “intercultural guides” themselves, who perform tours in selected itineraries in one of the following Athenian museums/archaeological sites: Museum of Modern Greek Culture, Epigraphic Museum, Ancient Agora of Athens, Archaeological site of Kerameikos.
The tours are associated to the personal biography and experience of the “intercultural guides” and are interactive, engaging the visitors in an intercultural dialogue. The museums/archaeological sites thus become the “meeting points” of people with different cultural backgrounds, who talk about their experiences and redefine their relations with the “self” and the “other”, but also with the past, the present and the future, as different but intertwined loci of experiences and aspirations.
The “intercultural guides” will also take part in a participatory video workshop in order to create short video/s based on their experiences in the project as well as on their intercultural experience as residents of Athens. The outcomes of the Multaka Athens project will be discussed with participants and managers of other European Multaka projects, at an international conference which is expected to be held in spring 2023.
Museum of Modern Greek Culture
Epigraphic Museum
Ancient Agora of Athens
Archaeological site of Kerameikos
Ministry of Migration and Asylum / Social Integration Directorate
Ministry of Culture and Sports
Development and Destination Management Agency of the Municipality of Athens.
Iro Akrivou – Project Manager